“Social Work enables me to contribute to society professionally.”

17 Dec 2019

In my role as a social worker...
As a social worker in a Family Service Centre, I work closely with families who face wide-ranging issues, running the gamut from financial challenges to domestic violence. Conducting casework and providing counselling to these families comprise a major part of my work. I also meet regularly with community partners and residents. This enables me to identify trends and gaps in services in the community and, at the same time, raise awareness on the accessibility of social services.

Having to juggle studies and work at the same time…
To be honest, it was difficult. There were definitely days when I felt tired. But I was fortunate to receive support from my family, friends and colleagues. My supervisors and seniors also provided a lot of guidance and encouragement. My classmates were a joy to be with! We work in different social service agencies so we often exchange ideas and share knowledge. It was tough but without these challenges, I wouldn’t be able to achieve as much as I have today.
The importance of education in social work...
I learned so much from my lecturers when I was doing my Graduate Diploma in Social Work at SIM University. They often shared their rich work experience and facilitated discussions for us. The course equipped me with the relevant skills and knowledge to create meaningful interactions with the families I work with. I recently graduated but I’m already looking forward to taking up more courses at the Social Service Institute to continue honing my professional skills.
In five years’ time, I see myself…
I aim to be as well-equipped as possible so that I can continue to help families who are facing challenges. I’m definitely looking forward to gaining more experience, learning from senior social workers and collabor