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Community Capability Trust
Support social service agencies in building their capabilities and improving outcomes for users.

The Community Capability Trust (CCT) is a charitable trust set up to strengthen the capabilities and capacities of our social service agencies (SSAs), so that they can deliver better service outcomes to their users.
The Community Capability Trust aims to achieve the following desired outcomes:
Sector and SSAs have the capacity & capabilities to continuously improve the quality and efficiency of social services
Strong community giving towards capability & capability building of SSAs
CCT aims to resource the sector with up to $480m over 10 years, with up to $350m contributed by the Government and Tote Board. In addition to upfront capital provided by the Government, Tote Board and NCSS, there will be a dollar-for-dollar matching of funds raised by ComChest for the Community Capability Trust to encourage donations. This matching will be up to a cap of $100m over 10 years from the Government, and up to a cap of $50m over the first 5 years from Tote Board.
For donors interested in capability building, please contact ncss_comchest@ncss.gov.sg.