Scheduled Maintenance Notice

The NCSS website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance from 21 December to 22 December 2024. You may experience downtime during this maintenance period. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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Strengthening Organisation Capabilities and Organisation Development

14 Jul 2021

Organisation Development Journey 

To help SSAs in their transformation, the Organisation Development (OD) Journey initiative was launched in 2019 to enable them to be more effective in delivering quality, innovative, and sustainable solutions. The OD Journey comprises two programmes: 

a) the Tote Board Non-Profit Sector Transformation Initiatives: Organisation Development (TB-NTI:OD), which supports 10 Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) over three years; 

b) the NCSS Organisation Development Transformation (ODT), which supports 19 SSAs over two years.

OD Diagnostics was used to help SSAs discover their areas of strengths and growth across seven domains in the framework, allowing them to take a more targeted approach in their transformation plans. For example, one of the SSAs – Yayasan MENDAKI – took steps to improve the People, Processes and Service Users domains, which were areas identified for growth. To improve on the People domain, MENDAKI is transforming itself into a Learning Organisation that ensures effective and positive service users experience, MENDAKI has also been strengthening its manpower by providing opportunities for professional development, through the Career Development Framework and implementation of a performance management system. As a result, MENDAKI now enjoys a more motivated manpower who is able to track and monitor its performance, which in turn leads to better service delivery.

2-Strengthening Org - Yayasan Mendaki

As the sector continues to evolve and social needs become increasingly challenging, organisations must stay relevant and innovative to enable effective service delivery. Hence, the importance of OD cannot be emphasised further, as it allows organisations to better respond and adapt to industry or market changes and technological advancements.

To support SSAs in their OD efforts, NCSS will be launching a new OD framework – the Organisational Health Framework for Social Services (OHFSS). This, along with an OD guidebook, will be made available to the sector in FY2022. Be sure to keep a lookout for them!