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Opening Remarks by Mr Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary For Social And Family Development & Culture, Community & Youth, at the Beyond The Label Festival 2023 on 8 September 2023, 6.30pm At Jewel, Changi Airport
Opening Remarks by Mr Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary For Social And Family Development & Culture, Community & Youth, at the Beyond The Label Festival 2023 on 8 September 2023, 6.30pm At Jewel, Changi Airport
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Over 55,000 individuals supported by Beyond the Label Collective since last year
Over 55,000 individuals supported by Beyond the Label Collective since last year. Plans for pilots in neighbourhoods to reach at least 1,000 per town.
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Launch of Beyond the Label (BTL) Collective - Rallies Partners To Better Support Persons With Mental Health Conditions
SINGAPORE, 07 OCTOBER 2022 – The Beyond the Label (BTL) Collective rallies 26 like-minded partners from the public, private and people sectors to better support persons with mental health conditions and to build a more inclusive society. Beyond raising awareness, the BTL Collective will inspire action in schools, workplaces and community groups to achieve these goals.
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Welcome Address by Ms Anita Fam, Social Service Summit 2023 on 18 July 2023
Welcome Address by Ms Anita Fam, Social Service Summit 2023 on 18 July 2023
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Address By Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister For Social and Family Development & Second Minister for Health, Social Service Summit 2023 On 18 July 2023
Address By Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister For Social and Family Development & Second Minister for Health, Social Service Summit 2023 On 18 July 2023
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More Step Up To Offer Time And Skills In Support Of President’s Challenge In 2017
59 top donors and volunteers recognised at annual President's Challenge appreciation ceremony.
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Continuous support from all sectors benefit President’s Challenge 2016
President Tony Tan thanks donors, sponsors and volunteers for their support at the President’s Challenge 2016 Appreciation Night at the Istana
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National Council of Social Service together with Singapore’s Leading Luxury Watch Retailer The Hour Glass Proudly Presents a Wholesome Series of Kitchen Programmes for Seniors
National Council of Social Service together with Singapore’s Leading Luxury Watch Retailer The Hour Glass Proudly Presents a Wholesome Series of Kitchen Programmes for Seniors
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NCSS Launches Beyond The Label Helpbot and Engages Youth in Fight Against Mental Health Stigma
New Beyond the Label Helpbot to reduce barrier to seeking help Inaugural Beyond the Label Fest to allow for meaningful interactions with and understanding of persons with mental health conditions Strategic youth partnerships to empower youth to address stigma and provide peer support
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Fostering a more caring, compassionate and inclusive society with Singapore Cares
In conjunction with Giving Week 2016 and the festivity of giving in December, the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre and National Council of Social Service are initiating a movement to support the goodwill of Singaporeans and guide them to better help those in need.
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Strong Community Response Spurs Government Support of Another $250 Million for The Care & Share Movement
In October 2013, Community Chest announced the Care & Share @ SG50 Movement to encourage corporations and individuals to work with voluntary welfare organisations (VWOs) to help those with less. In support of the Movement, the government set aside $250 million to match eligible donations raised by Community Chest and over 200 participating VWOs between 1 December 2013 and 31 December 2014. More than $300 million was raised by Community Chest and the VWOs, and over 110,000 volunteers were engaged through more than 2,000 fund-raising and volunteerism events.
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Social Service Organisations in Singapore Step Forward as One Tribe to Affirm Vibrancy of What They Do as Catalysts of Social Change
Social Service Tribe, a community of all in-service sector professionals will also be a unified platform to raise profile for the sector in talent attraction Initiative comes in the wake of revised salary norms of up to 12% for the various professions and job levels in the sector
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President’s Challenge Volunteer Drive Promotes Volunteerism Through Partnership with YMCA of Singapore’s Flagship Corporate Citizenship Event
Guest-of-Honour President Tony Tan celebrates volunteerism with more than 1,100 beneficiaries, corporate and individual volunteers
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The New Singapore Workforce
New Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications launched for individuals to future-proof their careers in the social service sector SkillsFuture initiatives for the social service sector to be rolled out by 2016 to grow pipeline of skilled social service professionals
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9th Together Against Stigma Global Conference Co-organised by IMH and NCSS with Partners
Singapore is the first Southeast Asian country to host the international conference Conference will see over 500 local and international delegates from the healthcare and social service sectors gather in a global fight against mental health stigma Employer toolkit and online assessment tool launced to support mental wellbeing and resilience at the workplace
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2015 Media Release - IDOP
“Interacting with Seniors” handbook and workshops launched in celebration of International Day of Older Persons 2015 Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong officiated event to kick-off month-long celebrations which encourage seniors and the community to communicate, connect and celebrate.
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Five same-day events to launch Seniors Give Thanks! campaign on 1 October - in conjunction with International Day of Older Persons 2016
Minister for Social and Family Development Tan Chuan-Jin officiated main celebration at Kembangan Chai Chee to encourage seniors to strengthen social relationships and build strong support networks
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Disability Awareness Campaign Launched to Shift Public Mindset Towards Persons with Disabilities
Campaign encourages members of the public to appreciate abilities of persons with disabilities and see them for who they truly are Free awareness talks, workshops and new website to facilitate deeper understanding
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NCSS shares initiatives to support persons with disabilities at We Are Able! 2016
The National Council of Social Service (NCSS) shared initiatives to support persons with disabilities at the We Are Able! 2016 event held today.
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President's Challenge 2017 To Raise Funds for 52 Beneficiary Organisations
President's Challenge 2017 To Raise Funds for 52 Beneficiary Organisations
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20 of 134 results