About Us
Serving with shared purpose. Striving towards a common cause.
As like-minded professionals who work every day to drive positive change through our actions, gestures and ideas. We come together as one Social Service Tribe, making up of more than 20,000 professionals working in over 500 social service agencies to empower those in need – so they may lead lives with dignity.

Our purpose

Being a catalyst for social change by always putting people first is what guides us, every single day. You may have seen this in our videos, ads and more – together with the dots that represent groups of like-minded people and individuals, moving in the direction of those who are vulnerable. Through their course of action, they create paths representing different transformation journeys.

Empowering lives.
We do all we can to help others, so they may help themselves.
Every day, social service professionals go to work not just to do our jobs, but to do good as well. By reaching out to support others, we inspire positive change and empower people to lead their lives with dignity. This is what drives the Social Service Tribe every day – our desire to build better futures for everyone.
Working with true purpose.
We believe success isn’t just measured in numbers, it’s about making every single life count too.
Social service professionals have jobs like no other. We don’t just go to work, we go the distance with others. We don’t just receive paychecks, we earn respect. Most importantly, we don’t just make a living – we make lives better, every day and in every way. It’s all because we believe empowering lives is what truly defines the Social Service Tribe.
Working with like-minded people.
Together, we share the dream of helping others achieve their own.
Everyone has a dream, whether it’s of independence, support or simply hope. That’s why social service professionals work together with a single-minded focus – so people may overcome their challenges to live better lives. It’s one of the reasons that unite the Social Service Tribe, enabling us to make dreams happen, one at a time.
Driving positive change.
While hard work makes a difference, our heart work changes lives.
Inspiring positive change in people’s lives requires a lot more than just effort. It takes empathy. As social service professionals, we work with both our hearts and minds, empowering people to take steps that will make their lives better. As the Social Service Tribe has always believed, a little compassion can truly go a long way – and together, we can go even further.