Our Projects and Initiatives
The Singapore HR Awards 2018
by Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI)
Children & Youth, Mental Health, Seniors
10 Jul 2019
We are pleased to celebrate the successes of six social service agencies that emerged as winners this year. These organisations have demonstrated commendable HR practices, and in turn contribute to a stronger Tribe community where like-minded individuals work together to empower various sectors of society.  
Held annually to honour leading agencies and Human Resources (HR) professionals, the Singapore HR Awards is presented by the Singapore Human Resources Institute. The Awards aim to shine a light on successful initiatives, enabling people managers to gain valuable insights and in turn, develop the nation’s most important asset – its people.
This year, 60 Awards were presented to not-for-profits, start-ups, and public and private sector organisations.
These are their accomplishments.

Awards won:
  • Leading HR Practices: Total Rewards
    • Emphasises the measurements and management of performance of employees and business, and how metrics are developed and used to improve and award performance.
  • Special Categories: Quality Work-Life Integration
    • Recognises that the organisation implements programmes that seek to help employees achieve effective quality work-life, through balancing work and personal life in order to increase employee satisfaction, productivity, performance and retention.
The Association of Muslim Professionals provides services that support and advance the community.

Awards won:
  • Business HR Awards: Fast-Growing 
    • Recognises human resources who are instrumental in enabling their company to ramp up their operations by equipping the business with the right talent in the shortest possible time.
  • Business HR Awards: Purpose-Driven
    • Features human resources that demonstrate the ability to mobilise people towards a common purpose beyond the pursuit of profits.
  • Leading HR Practices: Employer Branding
    • Recognises the organisation’s ability to represent their value proposition to both existing and potential staff positively.
AWWA serves over 10,000 disadvantaged individuals across all life stages. Their services include early intervention for pre-schoolers, education and disability support for children with special needs, assistance to low-income families, caregivers, and health and social assistance for vulnerable seniors.
SASCO Senior Citizens' Home

Awards won:
  • Business HR Awards: Disruptive-Innovative 
    • Highlights the organisation’s capacity to that achieve hyper growth, change the industry status quo and transform the nature of competition in the marketplace.
  • Business HR Awards: Fast-Growing 
    • Recognises human resources who are instrumental in enabling their company to ramp up their operations by equipping the business with the right talent in the shortest possible time.
  • Business HR Awards: Purpose-Driven
    • Features human resources that demonstrate the ability to mobilise people towards a common purpose beyond the pursuit of profits.
SASCO Senior Citizens' Home conducts a wide range of activities that promotes healthy living and wellness for the elderly.

Awards won:
  • Leading HR Practices: Employee Engagement, Alignment and Workplace Harmony
    • Recognises the organisation’s efforts to create a positive and harmonious work environment.
  • Special Categories: Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Emphasises the organisation’s commitment to behave ethically and contribute to economic development, while improving the quality of life of the workforce, their families, local community, society and the environment at large.
In partnership with the community, the National Kidney Foundation renders support to kidney patients through affordable, sustainable and quality renal care and education.

Award won:
  • Special categories: Fair & Inclusive Employment Practices
    • Highlights the organisation’s good practices in supporting fair employment.
TOUCH Community Services provides services to meet various levels of needs in the community.
We would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to these agencies and HR trailblazers as they continue to drive impactful human capital strategies across the national landscape.
Resources / References:
  • http://www.thesingaporehrawards.com.sg/2018
  • https://www.awwa.org.sg/about-awwa/
  • http://www.giventake.sg/about-us-sasco
  • https://www.nkfs.org/about-nkf/background/our-vision-and-mission/
  • https://www.amp.org.sg/about-us/
  • https://www.ncss.gov.sg/About-Us/Our-Mission

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