Our Projects and Initiatives
Social Service Tribe Career Dialogue 2019
by Social Service Tribe
Children & Youth, Families, Mental Health, Seniors
28 May 2020

As an initiative to reach out to students interested in pursuing a career in the social service sector, the Social Service Tribe Career Dialogue was held at YMCA @ One Orchard on 18 October 2019. This marked the first joint event organised in partnership with Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), various Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and Advisory, a youth-led nonprofit dedicated to helping young Singaporeans make informed career choices.

A healthy turnout was in attendance to listen to the panel dialogue, where panelists from various social service agencies shared about their journey in the sector. They also took questions from the audience, who were curious to learn more about social service careers.  

Ms. Chia Chin Chin, a Senior Lecturer at Nanyang Polytechnic, shared: ”The event was very helpful for students who are curious to know about the job roles available in the market, and how they can join the sector upon graduation. Hearing from professionals of different backgrounds, and even individuals who have switched careers into the sector, helped them to better appreciate the diversity of job roles and functions.”

For the panelists, it was a chance to connect with a new generation of potential social service professionals. Jessica Hooi from Rainbow Centre said: “I think the combination of sharing, panel discussions and interaction time were useful in helping the students to gain some perspectives and understanding of the various professions in social service.”

Students also visited the Internship and Career Fair and learnt more about the career roles available, as well as internship opportunities. They were able to network with the panelists and professionals from 10 social service agencies, providing students an avenue to gain deeper insights into the diverse range of professions in social service.

Speaking on how the event supported social service agencies in their recruitment efforts, Steve Loh, General Secretary & CEO, YMCA of Singapore said: “Youth play an essential part in becoming the next generation of volunteers, community leaders, social workers and staff in the social service sector. It is our pleasure to be a key partner of the Social Service Tribe Career Dialogue where we get to share more about our work, recruit and nurture passionate youths to join the sector. We hope to have shown them the diversity of meaningful work in the sector and inspire them to start a career of strengthening lives and serving the community.”

The Career Dialogue provided a platform for students and social service agencies to connect, bringing together both agencies and individuals with a passion for social service. To learn more about upcoming dialogues, learning journeys and internship openings, visit the Tribe Experience webpage.

Participating Social Service Agencies: 
●Autism Association (Singapore) ● AWWA Ltd. ● Boys’ Town Singapore ● Lion Befrienders  Service Association (Singapore) ● Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) ● Rainbow Centre, Singapore ● REACH Community Services Singapore ● RSVP Singapore The Organisation for Senior Volunteers ● SPD ● Young Men’s Christian Association


  Students at the Career and Internship fair
Students interacting with our panelist during the Career and Internship fair


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