Our Projects and Initiatives
Enabling small steps to chase big dreams
by Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore
Campaign, Children & Youth
10 Jul 2019
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Mrs Baby has fond memories of working with Peter during his childhood.


“I first met Peter when he was just six years old. He had difficulty standing and walking – but was still a very playful boy,” smiles Mrs Baby, 68, Senior Physiotherapist at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS).

Peter Kam, 28, laughs mischievously, as he fondly remembers how she helped him focus, recognising how it enables him today – as Singapore’s Cerebral Palsy football team goalkeeper.

Taking steps together, on and off the field.

As Peter recalls, his early development wasn’t always smooth. “It was hard adapting to my therapy. At first, I could only stand on my tiptoes!”

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Mrs Baby shares an old photo of Peter undergoing hydrotherapy.


“He had the right mentality – but his muscles were weak. His hands and legs couldn’t follow through,” Mrs Baby explains. But steadily, they began seeing improvements. Through regular physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, horse riding, and of course, football, Peter learnt how to balance himself and grew stronger day by day.
“I’ll always remember what Mrs Baby told me:
If you fall, dare to stand up again.”
– Peter Kam, CP Lions Goalkeeper

Support from Social Service Professionals like Mrs Baby has helped Peter stand tall - and proud.
The biggest difference between Peter the child, and Peter the goalkeeper? “Well, now he’s a macho man!” laughs Mrs Baby. “I’m thrilled to see how he has grown up, with endurance and resilience.”

It takes a Tribe to make a difference.

To help every client go the distance, a team of social service professionals takes every step with them. Mrs Baby explains: “Like Peter, every child works with a rehabilitation team – consisting of a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech-language therapist, psychologist and more. They create individual care plans, and set achievable goals.”

Of course, parents have an important role to play in these teams as well. With their support, everyone can reach out to greater possibilities.

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Mrs Baby and her colleagues share a close bond - one that helps them to better drive positive change.

The Tribe extends beyond individual social service agencies too. “We work together as a community with healthcare partners and hospitals,” says Mrs Baby. By exchanging medical reports and client assessments, multidisciplinary social service professionals can work together to make a difference.

A fulfilling career – in more ways than one.

Since joining CPAS more than 28 years ago, Mrs Baby has enjoyed plenty of benefits – through her work, and through her clients. She has experienced outstanding career development, while also seeing her students lead dignified lives. “Now that is the most satisfying feeling. My children’s improvement is my reward!” exclaims Mrs Baby.

“Today, I feel like a proud grandma of so many children.
They have achieved a lot since I first saw them.”
– Mrs Baby, Senior Physiotherapist (CPAS)


Throughout her career, Mrs Baby has taken steps together with others - empowering them to go the distance.
Making lives count is a truly fulfilling journey. And Peter appreciates everyone who took the first step: “We’ll always be grateful to our social service professionals for making us who we are.”
Today, he is actively involved in the CPAS Connect Alumni programme. Having learnt so much from Mrs Baby and other professionals, he believes it’s truly time to pay it forward.

Stories from professionals like Mrs Baby helped inspire the Social Service Tribe brand video. Click here to discover the Team That Makes Lives Count.

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