Wellness Resource Hub
For Supervisors
Read more on tips on managing teams remotely and promoting mental well-being in workplace settings.


Manage Teams Remotely




Since the COVID-19 pandemic, telecommuting is gradually becoming more common. More organisations have adapted to remote or hybrid working conditions. Here are some ideas on how you can maintain your team’s cohesion and collaboration even in remote working conditions:


1. Set agreed communications arrangements with the team (frequency and mode) such as having regular online meetings with video cameras turned on to maintain the “in-person” interaction element.

2. Structure regular check-ins with your team to address weekly issues, provide approvals and give recognition/feedback even if they are routine tasks to maintain team camaraderie and morale. Reviewing work regularly and showing appreciation can help in preventing burnout and managing fatigue.

3. Reach out to your staff and be open to resolve matters with flexibility such as giving your staff a little break to handle their family matters. Such flexibility can be extended if there are no urgent matters at hand, this could allow your staff to have a good rest before being energized for work again.



Promote Mental Well-being




Leaders are crucial in helping to co-create a supportive environment, raise understanding of mental health issues, and reduce stigma in the workplace. This can be done by:


1. Encourage dialogues about mental health conditions to reduce the stigma and increase awareness to the various assistance programmes available (e.g.: counselling hotlines)

2. Establish open lines of communication so that workers feel at ease discussing or even coming out with their mental health concerns. Encourage ways to achieve work-life balance among employees, such as attending workshops on wellbeing.


(Source: Public Service Division)


Encourage Self-Care


Employees are more likely to embrace self-care if leaders embody the message and their organisation caters time for self-care activities. Check out the EncourageSelf-Care guide by Tripartite Alliance Limited for more details.



Hi #JustCheckingIn


Want to show you care, but don’t know how? Don’t worry, the #JustCheckingIn page got you covered! There are tips designed to help you navigate through conversations with empathy and care.


(Source: HealthHub)