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Research and evaluation
NCSS research delivers impactful insights for evidence-based practice, helping social services understand and meet community needs with data-driven improvements.

NCSS research and evaluation enables the social sector to better understand and respond to the needs of those it serves through impactful insights.
Uncovering strategic insights for social impact
We conduct surveys with service users and target groups, using the data to generate insights with actionable implications for social service planning and policy. Findings are disseminated through publications, Insights to Impact (i2i) series, online dashboards and other platforms.
Enhancing research and evaluation capabilities for the sector
Research-related platforms, resources, and tools for social service agencies (SSAs) are provided to enhance their research and evaluation capabilities.
Informing service planning and operations with data
Analytics in areas such as integration of administrative datasets, predictive modelling and simulations support studies that address service user needs, and generate insights for planning and improve operational processes.
What’s new

SEF Report 2024
The inaugural SEF report focuses on findings gathered from the children and youth sub-sector, and how these can be applied to service planning.

Strengthening young offender rehabilitation through mental wellness [PDF, 1.9 MB]
The EPYC study uncovers factors impacting youth offenders' mental well-being and offering key recommendations for service planning.

SEF e-learning module
If you are from an SSA or a sector professional, learn how to conduct outcome evaluation using the SEF through this interactive e-learning module.
Main research areas

Quality of Life
This study tracks the well-being of Singaporeans and provide insights into the unique needs of different population segments.

Disability and Inclusion Panel Study (DIPS)
This study offers insights into the needs of persons with disabilities and supports the Enabling Masterplan 2030 for a more inclusive Singapore.

Topical studies
These studies examine key themes relevant to service users and sector stakeholders.
Research engagement
We engage SSAs and sector professionals to share research findings and data, foster partnership opportunities, and encourage evidence-based practices in the sector.
Research resources
Looking to delve into research for your service planning? If you are an SSA or sector stakeholder, check out our suite of resources available. For more information, reach out to us at research@ncss.gov.sg.
Understanding the evolving landscape and service user needs
Social Service Sector Repository
A free online database offering local research on social service topics. Members can register or check login details at research@ncss.gov.sg.
EBSCO Scholarly Journal database
NCSS provides members with free EBSCO journal access for international research. For accounts or login help, contact research@ncss.gov.sg.
Explore our dashboards for visualized data that complements publication findings and supporting insights on service user needs.
Supporting your research and evaluation efforts
NCSS Ethics Review Committee (ERC)
ERC provides ethics reviews for research studies conducted by NCSS member SSAs to ensure that welfare and rights of participants are protected before research commences.
Volunteer Research Consultant Matching Service (VRCM)
VRCM connects SSAs with volunteer research consultants (VRCs) for minimally six months of guidance on research and evaluation projects.