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5 non-deskbound jobs for fresh grads

5 February 2020

A female therapist assisting an elderly male client with exercises.

1. Programme Executive

Image of a programme executive interacting with her clients

Image credit: Social Service Tribe (featuring Programme Executive)

2. Job Coach

Image of job coach guiding her apprentice

Image credit: Social Service Tribe (featuring Job Coach)

3. Youth Worker

Image of Youth Worker in a jamming session

Image credit: Social Service Tribe (featuring Youth Worker)

4. Early Intervention Teacher

Image of an early intervention teacher

Image credit: Social Service Tribe (featuring Early Intervention Teacher)

5. Therapy Assistant

Image of a therapy assistant assisting her client

Image credit: Social Service Tribe (featuring Therapy Assistant)

Career opportunities in social service

Image of social service tribe teams interacting

Image credit: Social Service Tribe

Image of social worker interacting with his client

Image credit: Social Service Tribe

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