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Digital Acceleration Index
The Digital Acceleration Index helps Social Service Agencies assess their digital maturity, create tailored strategies, and track progress over time.

To empower Social Service Agencies (SSAs) on their digital transformation journey, NCSS has partnered with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to develop the Digital Acceleration Index (DAI). This valuable tool allows SSAs to discover their digital strengths and areas for growth, offering insights that resonate with their unique challenges.
By using the DAI, agencies can create tailored digital strategies that suit their needs and track their progress over time through future surveys.
As a participant in the DAI, each SSA will receive a personalised report highlighting their performance in key areas of digital maturity. This report will also show how they compare with their peers in the sector, fostering a sense of community and shared growth.
DAI resources
For information on DAI 2023 and how to read the SSA DAI give-back pack:
To embark on the next steps, refer to the Social Services Digitalisation Playbook (SSDP) as a systematic guide to accelerate your digitalisation journey across five focus areas.
Start your digitalisation journey today!
Step 1: Develop a digital strategy
Use the Digital Strategy Planning template or book a consultancy clinic to discuss areas where you need professional consultancy support.
Step 2: Review the IT solutions that will improve your operations and service delivery
Check out IT solutions that are funded under Tech-and-GO!
Step 3: Apply for funding to support your digital implementation
Refer to the Tech-and-GO! funding details and application steps.
DAI 2023 findings
Download the infographic here [PDF, 795 KB].

Is the DAI mandatory for all NCSS members?
The DAI is a digital maturity self-assessment currently provided at no cost to all NCSS members, conducted once in three years. At the organisational level, the DAI is a useful tool for agencies to gauge where they are across different dimensions and provides good data to chart a digitalisation plan forward. All SSAs are encouraged to participate in the DAI study to contribute to a sectoral indicator for social services. The DAI will be mandatory for SSAs that have tapped on grants from NCSS.
What do I receive by participating in the DAI study?
All participating agencies will receive a DAI give-back pack - an individual report of their DAI scores, with comparison to the previous year’s results as well as a benchmark with peers.
How should the questions be answered?
The survey is based on a four-maturity-stage approach. Each maturity stage comes with a detailed description of what an organisation should have in place in terms of processes, governance, and tools for the respective level. Participants are advised to select the level that best represents the current stage of digital in the organisation.
What happens if questions cannot be answered?
There is the possibility to skip a question by selecting the “I don’t know” or “Not applicable” option. If this option is selected, the answer will not be included in the overall results. Respondents should exercise discretion when selecting these options.
What happens if the current maturity is between two levels?
It is advised to choose the answer that best describes the current state and then provide a comment.
How will answers and data be used?
Organisational data provided by the survey participant will only be shared back to the participant and the survey organisers i.e. NCSS, MCCY, MOH, AIC. Any data and scores will be used in a completely anonymous way. Only aggregated data will be published, without any way of tracing back individual- or organisation-related data. If you have given consent to share your results with the survey organisers, the relevant agency will also have access to your results for analyses to better design government programmes to support digitalisation efforts. Any such analysis is protected and kept confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only. Results will only be released at an aggregated level and will not contain any company-specific information/data.