Beyond The Label - Mental Health Ambassador: Deborah Seah | NCSS Singapore

19 Nov 2018

Deborah Seah
36 years old


Deborah(PS)Deborah’s journey to recovery was a long one. She started experiencing extreme mood swings while in lower primary school, but left it undiagnosed, and untreated for more than 20 years. She was officially diagnosed with bipolar and generalised anxiety disorder, when she sought help for post-natal depression and a burn-out from work.

Having a mental illness did not stop Deborah from doing well at work. She received a long-service award with her previous employer, a tertiary institution, where she worked for over 12 years.

Deborah is a firm believer that recovery is possible. Having benefited from peer support, she decided to use her recovery journey to help and inspire others. Deborah is now a certified a Peer Support Specialist, supporting other persons with mental health conditions in their recovery journey.

If you or anyone you know is overwhelmed with stress or anxiety, or is experiencing signs of mental health conditions, find the help you need via Belle, Beyond the Label helpbot. Take the first step to recovery by seeking help early.

Also, learn more about how we tackle mental health stigma through the Beyond The Label movement.

Read more about the personal journey of our Beyond the Label campaign ambassadors.