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National Council of Social Service

#HeartWork: Aditya Mahesh Khatri

24 September 2024

Aditya in a casual outfit standing outdoors near a car.

Transition to volunteer leadership

Aditya with fellow volunteers taking a group photo in a casual setting

Aditya (last row, 3rd from left) together with his fellow-volunteers from Read-With-Me, Yishun

Balancing commitments

Aditya taking a group selfie with smiling volunteers and staff holding a small cake

Aditya (1st from left) together with the volunteers & staff of SHINE

Memorable experiences and achievements

Group photo with props and smiles at a fun event setup

Aditya (last row, 2nd from left) together with Veaders & staff of SHINE

Key skills for volunteer leadership

Aditya taking a group photo at the 2022 Children's Day Celebration event

Aditya (last row,1st from left) with fellow volunteers at the SHINE Children's Day 2022 celebration

Fostering inclusivity and belonging

Aditya and group enjoying a meal together at a community event.

Aditya (3rd from left) with senior volunteers at SHINE’s Volunteer Connection 2023.

The impact of SHINE's volunteer management team

Aditya taking group photo of participants at a community gathering event

Aditya (Last row, 1st from right) with fellow -volunteers at Reading Odyssey at Jalan Bukit Merah.

The impact of regular commitments on service users

Team enjoying a meal together at a community event

Aditya (Front row, 1st from right) with volunteers before a successful Children’s Day celebrations.

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